Saturn Return Reading


If you’re in your late twenties, or know someone who is, chances are they’re in the midst of their first SATURN RETURN. This is an astrological rite-of-passage that everyone navigates as Saturn makes its 29.5 year cycle around the sun to return to where it was when you were born.


Saturn Return in Aquarius: Born 1991 - 1993

Saturn Return in Pisces: Born 1994 - 1996

Saturn Return in Aries: Born 1996 - 1998

I will pull eight Tarot cards corresponding with the questions below to paint a clear picture of how your Saturn Return will be experienced over the 2.5ish year period.

This Tarot spread will highlight specific themes, challenges, and support for navigating your Saturn Return.

1. Where will I feel the presence of Saturn most intensely during my Saturn Return?

2. Who is available to support me during my Saturn Return?

3. What goals would Saturn like me to focus on during my Saturn Return?

4. Where would Saturn like me to erect boundaries during my Saturn Return?

5. What have I been avoiding that Saturn will bring up for review during my Saturn Return?

6. What am I ready to release during my Saturn Return?

7. What will be the most serious lesson of my Saturn Return?

8. What will be the most serious gift of my Saturn Return?

Additionally, I will look at where Saturn is in your birth chart, and give specific astrological guidance for the transit. You will receive a two page write-up reviewing both the sign and house that Saturn is transiting in your birth chart and what to expect because of its placement and aspects.

The Saturn Return is one of the most daunting astrological transits a person faces in their life. Whether booking for yourself, a friend, or loved one, this is a greatly supportive reading to help navigate a transformational time.

I will send photos and a full write-up about the energy of your spread directly to your email.

Your full birth information will provide the most accurate reading (birthday, birth city, and exact birth time), but the time isn’t necessarily required.

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